CJMeyer Adventures

Collecting & Designing Beautiful Memories

Clearing Skies

We spent the past week at my parent’s beautiful lake home. The first part of the week was fairly gloomy as waves of rain swept across the state. The past few days, however, were spectacular. We enjoyed gorgeous, crisp Autumn mornings with brilliant sunshine.  I was able to catch this series of images one morning as the fog receded across the lake:

A dense blanket of fog…




…slowly grows thinner…


…a beautiful vista emerges.


Watching this transition unfold over the course of about 20 minutes was mesmerizing. I was struck how this process parallels so many life situations. When you’re in the middle of it (you name “it”– navigating motherhood, feeling stuck in your career path, starting over, etc…), it’s so difficult to see your path unfolding clearly. You might even feel desperately alone, as if time is standing still and you are running out of options while the world literally closes in around you.

… and then, with a little trust, patience, and persistence… clarity returns… sometimes briefly… and then more and more…

What would start to shift for you if you knew the beauty, abundance, and clarity that awaited you after the fog cleared? How would you think differently? Act differently?

Wishing you a “clear skies” mindset, even when the fog rolls in…

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