CJMeyer Adventures

Collecting & Designing Beautiful Memories

Ryan Oliver

He’s here!


Our sweet boy was born on April 17th at 39 weeks exactly. He surprised us all with a very quick labor! The past few weeks have been a blur of appointments and getting used to life with 2 kiddos. I’m still processing so many parts of his arrival and our postpartum experience- more to come later! For now, I’ll leave you with 3 things that surprised me after delivering:

  1. Olivia’s Size: Our “baby” girl is HUGE compared to her newborn brother. I think that she grew a foot taller and aged 5 years in the span of 1 afternoon. No joke!
  2. My Body: My constant prayer throughout this pregnancy was to carry Ryan to term. I was so incredibly grateful to have made it to Weeks 37-39. What a blessing! After delivering, I also realized how ready I was for this journey to be ending. This duality –desperately wanting to stay pregnant and also wanting my body back– surprised me.
  3. Reality of Beginnings: Transitions and growth phases are challenging! Even when things go perfectly, life can be a complicated, beautiful mess. We are in the thick of navigating curve balls that come with getting started on any journey (breastfeeding challenges, sleep deprivation, sibling jealousy, etc…). Once again, I’m surprised at how accurate this phrase continues to be: “The days are long, but the years are short (Gretchen Rubin).” Time has marched so slowly on the days filed with frequent preschooler meltdowns, endless nursing sessions, and general feelings of overwhelm. At the same time, I’m pinching myself that nearly 3 weeks have already gone by!

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