CJMeyer Adventures

Collecting & Designing Beautiful Memories

Tag: Birth

  • Olivia’s Birth Story: Part 2

    This post is a follow-up to Olivia’s Birth Story: Part 1. After arriving at the hospital and facing the reality that we were going to meet our baby almost 7 weeks early, here is how our story unfolded: The doctor checked me at 1:30am and reported that I was already at 3cm, -2 station, and…

  • Olivia’s Birth Story: Part 1

    Olivia’s Birth Story: Part 1

    I wasn’t sure how much of this story I was actually going to share on such a public forum.  Why divulge the intimate details of such a meaningful and life changing moment? Reason #1: One of the lines in this post resonated with me.  I could completely relate to Molly Mahar’s desire as a first…