CJMeyer Adventures

Collecting & Designing Beautiful Memories

Year: 2013

  • Glitter Sneak Peak

    So, I might have spent the last week covered in glitter.  I am absolutely thrilled with this new technique- stay tuned for the details!

  • Thoughts on Motherhood

    Thoughts on Motherhood

    While we were in Washington DC, my sister-in-law shared some words of wisdom from her mother.  I’m going to remember these words: “The troubles are little when they’re little.” Such a simple little statement packed with a powerful punch.  Now, neither she or I are trying to downplay some of the very critical issues that…

  • Thanking Our NICU Nurses

    Thanking Our NICU Nurses

    This saying is SO true.  Having to leave Olivia in the hospital was one of the absolute hardest things I’ve ever had to do.  It is so incredibly humbling to be put into a situation where strangers know more about your baby’s needs than you do.  A team of dedicated nurses became intimately familiar with…

  • Lately… Summer 2013

    Lately… Summer 2013

    Row 1: In late July, James’ parents visited and we tackled cleaning up our yard.  We weeded like crazy!  (I don’t think our yard has had any attention since Olivia’s early arrival.)  The garden bed along the side of the house was completely overgrown.  Due to the unseasonably cool summer temps, Olivia was able to…

  • Tips for Traveling with a 7 Month Old Baby

    Tips for Traveling with a 7 Month Old Baby

    We survived our first BIG travel adventure with Olivia… and I learned a few things in the process about traveling with a baby! Things I will be remembering for our next trip: 1.  Make sure you have a copy of baby’s birth certificate handy for the flight! We knew that children under 2 could fly…

  • Pumping Breast Milk for a Preemie

    Pumping Breast Milk for a Preemie

    As I mentioned HERE, pumping for your baby can be extremely challenging, tiring, overwhelming, and incredibly rewarding.  While I absolutely HATED the actual process of expressing breast milk, I loved that I was able to give Olivia a nutritious blend of my protective immune cells and all the necessary ingredients to GROW. I have very…

  • Motherhood


    The last 8 months with Olivia have been amazing and precious.  This time has also been ripe with stress, anxiety, uncertainty, sadness, and frustration.  I wasn’t prepared for this complex constellation of emotions, especially those that surface like a tidal wave and leave you feeling unanchored… completely lost.  I thought I was ready.  I wasn’t….

  • You Are My Sunshine Party Theme

    You Are My Sunshine Party Theme

    When Olivia was discharged from the hospital, we followed the nurses orders to stay away from public places for fear of RSV.    When the flu season ended in late April, we decided to celebrate!  I knew that I wanted to do something based on song, You Are My Sunshine, since I sang this tune to…

  • Marking 33 Weeks and 4 Days.

    Marking 33 Weeks and 4 Days.

    I was pregnant for exactly 33 weeks and 4 days. Today, Olivia is 33 weeks and 4 days old. So many mixed emotions running through my mind today… Olivia has been outside as long as she was safely tucked away inside my tummy. It’s crazy how quickly this much time has passed…although I can still…

  • Dreaming of Barbados

    This time two years ago, we were just returning from a whirlwind trip to Barbados with several good friends.  It feels like ages since I’ve seen the ocean and I am once again mesmerized by the crystal blue waters of this island. Some Trip Highlights: Swimming with the turtles!  These creatures were so amazing to…